"Every great idea is on the verge of being stupid" - Michel Gondry

Thursday 17 February 2011

The Final Touches

We are now in the process of finishing off our music video and evaluation. It wasn't long ago when we were filming our evaluation.

We all felt that the filming went well and all the answers (written by Stan) worked equally as well. During filming, every member of the group took up the challenge of answering a question on camera, and all were successful.

The editing of the evaluation and the music video have been the main focus over the last few days, as opposed to the digipak and website development. We really want to perfect the moving image side of our portfolio.

Now that we are coming to the final stages of the project, we are starting to look at our production from an audience's point of view and we feel it is very entertaining.

We are very excited about the final product.

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