"Every great idea is on the verge of being stupid" - Michel Gondry

Thursday 10 February 2011

Digipak (Front)

Having worked on our digipak for the last couple of days I have now be able to draw up a final design which I will now design and produce a hard copy. (Aim to be completed by next week)

Above is the finished copy of out front cover. I used photoshop to produce this image, with the hard task of layering the images. (Ending up with 180!) With the expertise of Miss Hill, I managed to cut away certain lines of the letters as you can see from the images. I really like this idea and I feel that the end result was exactly what I was aiming to produce.

With the image of the fruit in the middle of the shot I think this gives a unique sense to the cover as it is quite random, and yet still relates to our project.

I will follow with another post in the next few days. Using the website: http://www.discwizards.com/cd-dvd-artwork-templates.htm I will work on a template that I have chosen and will decide how to structure our digipak and design it.


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