This video was directed by Steve Hoover in 2009. The song was Owl City's first single and was an unexpected success in both UK and USA reaching number one in both charts. The music video received a lot of interest after the song had climbed up the charts.
The song is both performance based and slightly concept. This video falls into Goodwin's 6 features of a music video. Such as "The link between lyrics and visuals" this use of Goodwin's feature helps to stress certain lyrics being sung. For example when the text is written on the toy it is there to echo what the vocalist (Matt Thiessen) is singing. Also when he sings words which are labelled as button on his organ that he is playing.
The video is mainly performance as the whole video is shot in one scene with lots of different shot varieties. This can get a bit repetitive but it is still very well edited and flows together well. There isn't really any narrative to the songs video, although it could be argued that there is a start and finish where the toys come alive throughout the song.
I chose this video as I think that I can learn a lot from it. It is a concept based video which is close to what we hope to create. Also the precise editing is what I would like to replicate in our video.
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