"Every great idea is on the verge of being stupid" - Michel Gondry

Friday 7 January 2011

Latest Update

In the past couple of days we have been working with past filming clips on the school's mac's to get an idea of how to adapt with the Mac's programmes to make our music video to the best of our abillity.
We will be using like every other group "final cut" which is a software on the Macs where we can edit filming to create a brilliant piece of media work. we have looked at past students work that have also used this software and have created some outstanding work, therfore we can be inspired by the work done by "final cut" into our music video.
recently we have looked at transitions and the different effects that we can use to create this fun, enthusiastic, edgy music video that we hope to share with other media students. we have played around with the transitions and effects with old clips so that we know clearly what to use with our clips when we come to edit. there is a lot to choose from which gives us an advantage to have fun with editing our video.

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