"Every great idea is on the verge of being stupid" - Michel Gondry

Friday 28 January 2011

The Digipak Design Process

Over the last few lessons, Stan and myself have taken on the role of designing the digipak and, using the Photoshop software on the Macs, recreating these designs into a professional, usable form.

Our original designs (displayed in the previous digipak update) depict a fruit bowl on the front. We plan to use an SLR camera to capture a fruit bowl image. We can then upload this image to Photoshop. Using the SLR camera will give us a high quality image which will allow us to expand it or shrink it without distortion.

We have already been experimenting with Photoshop and have created a great platform for the fruit bowl image to be layed on. This platform consists of a black background, the song title and band name in the official 'Vampire Weekend' font, and also a splattering effect that we are experimenting with as well.

We seem to be developing our digipak well despite Photoshop being a very complicated program to use. I will keep you updated on any digipak developments.


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