"Every great idea is on the verge of being stupid" - Michel Gondry

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Target Audience (Research)

Within brainstorming ideas about our music video, we knew that we would have to choose a specific audience that our text would be appealing towards. All media texts are aimed at specific audiences, so it is important that we get a clear and precise target audience for our music video.

Bearing in mind that Vampire Weekend are a indie/rock band, narrows down the possibilities for our choice. The song we have chosen, A-Punk is a fast, upbeat song with strange and bizarre lyrics, this also contributes to our choice of target viewers. Vampire Weekend aimed their first album, self titled 'Vampire Weekend' at a young audience, ages 15 - 25 this includes both males and females. Similarly to the band themselves, we have come to the decision that we will be aiming our video at a young audience.

Our video will be designed with the target audience in mind, predominantly between the ages of 16 and 25. This is the age of students. The reason why we have chosen this age gap is because, bands such as Vampire Weekend are mostly advertised and spoke of between younger generations. We would expect our audience to have an in depth knowledge about music and the 'indie' genre pre-exisiting and perhaps playing music in a band of their own. We have a select target audience as we believe anyone older than this age will struggle to understand the music and lyrics of the song and as the 'indie' genre has only come along recently, we can expect most older listeners not to know of the genre.

Vampire Weekend began in New York City, America. Soon after releasing their first album in 2008, which shocked audiences by peaking in the top 20 albums in both England and America. They began touring England and Europe in the summer of 2008 where they played at multiple venues including a number of university campuses, in relation to this knowledge, another feature of our target audience is that they will mostly be pre/post or present university graduates this is because bands such as Vampire Weekend are already popular within the intellectual age groups that attend university.

Knowing our target audience will help us design our video, we can include intertextual references that our desired audience will understand along with a lot of other under wrapped messages and links.


1 comment:

  1. So what in particular are you going to find out about your target audience? Are you going to doa survey or focus group or both? Vox Pops could be a very easy and 'new media' way of gathering information
