Remi Gaillard is not a well known film maker in higher and more sophisticated media circles; neither is he renowned for making any official media productions. However, those who browse for media online will know that he has become an internet celebrity. His work consists mainly of jokes and pranks and doesn't relate directly to the music video genre, but his visual style really appeals to me and I can see this style working well with our group's initial ideas and concepts (which were put forward during brainstorming).
I first became aware of Gaillard's work during the Channel 4 programme 'Rude Tube' where one of his videos was shown to be in the top 50 most viewed videos on the world wide web. After viewing some of his videos online, I immediately became a fan of his guerrilla style of filming. His work reminds me of some of Spike Jonzes' videos, consisting of guerilla style filming and a low production value feel. I think these characteristics could easily be incorporated into our initial production concepts to create a unique style and very original idea.
As you may have gathered from this video, Gaillard is a bit of a prankster and joker. Nevertheless, his post production techniques and visual style have created an entertaining video in this case. I feel that using some of Remi Gaillard's techniques and styles in our own production would benefit us in terms of creating an original and refreshing music video to the song 'A-Punk' by Vampire Weekend.
Guerrilla filmaking is becoming more mainstream, probably due to the success of people like Gaillard. If you have not seen the T Mobile Advert 'Welcome Back' watch it. It combines guerrilla filming and 'flash mob'
It is also a very Postmodern thing!